Eagle Rare 17 Year Old Bourbon 750ml
Eagle Rare is the finest producer of straight-shooting, no-nonsense, high quality Kentucky whiskey. Meticulously crafted and spectacularly appointed, it’s rare that you’ll find a whiskey as excellent as those in the Eagle Rare bourbon family.
Distilled at the modern whiskey mecca that is Buffalo Trace, Eagle Rare is an authority when it comes to bold, straight whiskey produced in Kentucky and its catalog is astutely tailored to this niche.
From the sublime 10 year old Kentucky Straight bourbon to the elegant 17 year old and the ever-elusive Eagle Very Rare 20 year old release, eagle rare 17 year bourbon has become a household name in Kentucky for its powerful, potent flavors and intricate attention to detail.
Once a single barrel offering, the entry-level 10 year old is now considered a ‘double barrel’ bourbon, and is one of the most sought-after value for money whiskeys in America, while the BTAC Collection’s 17 year old Kentucky Straight Bourbon is one of the finest bourbon offerings anywhere in the world.
The Double Eagle, presented in a bespoke crystal decanter, represents the height of Kentucky whiskey craftsmanship and is arguably the most premium spirit to rival the esteemed Pappy van Winkle line.
An essential feature of any connoisseur’s collection, enjoy celebrating a rare occasion with one of the finest Kentucky bourbons available in Eagle Rare.
Eagle rare 17 year bourbon whiskey
A remarkable piece of whiskey craftsmanship, 17 year eagle rare is a captivating combination of mature excellence and classic bourbon flavor.
One of the five bourbons included in the award winning Buffalo Trace Antique Collection or BTAC, 17 year eagle rare is released annually in extremely small quantities, and represents one of the finest and rarest 90 proof bourbon whiskeys available today.
Expect the class and charisma for which Eagle Rare is renowned, with an added touch of class and sophistication that make this one of the most exclusive and coveted bourbon whiskeys ever released by Buffalo Trace.
Max (verified owner) –
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Owen (verified owner) –
The product is firmly packed.
Edward (verified owner) –
Very well worth the money.
Dylan (verified owner) –
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Liam (verified owner) –
Good quality.
William (verified owner) –
Very well worth the money.
Samuel (verified owner) –
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Michael (verified owner) –
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Zohar (verified owner) –
Good quality.